Modicus Prime

New AI image processing tool in collaboration with Modicus Prime

2 min read 04 Apr 2022

eLabNext brings self-service AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to the forefront of research and process development by launching a new add-on in eLab Marketplace.

Install the add-on to extend the functionality of your ELN and optimize your image processing power—developed in collaboration with Modicus Prime.

Modicus Prime specializes in creating custom AI/ML solutions for life science data based on the parameters set by your life science laboratory. Their self-service AI Particle Classification tool, mpVision, solve challenges in anomaly detection, monitoring, and enhanced decision-making.  

Deep analytics with AI technology

Developed using mpVision features, this add-on obtains deep analytics through AI technology. Eliminate labour-intensive pressure for labs that need to analyze thousands of images in their daily research, such as Microscopy. Through AI, results are delivered faster and more comprehensively.

How does it work?

Users upload images of particulates—from biologics to crystals—and train the AI to identify their unique image content. The result is real-time processing of any image data for a comprehensive understanding of sample content.

mpVision add-on features:

  • Particle Detection and Image Quality Control. The Image Quality Control panel gives end users complete control over detected and self-labelled particles. End-users determine the sensitivity of the particle detection algorithm, offering broad applicability across control runs, DOE’s, medical devices, commercial processes, and much more.
  • Image Labeler. Customize particle labelling for AI training to enable the self-identification and self-labelling of particles in each image. Training data is generated for new particle identities with the Image Labeler Interface.
  • AI Processing. Automated processing pipelines are provided for AI Training and AI Inference. The AI Training interface provides a real-time update on the neural network’s learning trajectory. AI Inference classifies particles on unseen data, allowing the end-user to choose from the library of their self-trained models.
  • Analytics Reporting and Visualization. The particle statistics and classification results are compiled in the Reporting Interface. Additional reporting format options (including CSV and PDF) may be generated. Customizable client-driven visualizations are provided for desired data insights. Examples include comparisons between medical devices or production sites for scale-down analysis.

Research smarter with the new Modicus Prime mpVision add-on. Available for use with eLabJournal and eLabInventory.


Modicus Prime


Ready to extend the functionality of your ELN with AI technology?  

The Modicus Prime mpVision add-on is free and available for installation in eLab Marketplace.

Not yet using eLab? Try the add-on free for 30 days in a free trial. Sign up now!

Modicus Prime Press Release document

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