Product Updates

Based on feedback from our customers, we continuously add new features and improve the functionality of eLabNext products. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let our customer care team know!

The planning for the release of updates for customers with a Private Cloud or On-Premises installation is available in the Scheduled Update Cycle.

Scheduled Update Cycle


Release date: 15 July, 2024

  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added ‘check-out date’ and ‘checked out by’ as new fields available for inclusion in sample views.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Included sample position information in inventory search results.
  • Improvement: [System] – Implemented several enhancements to improve accessibility compliance in the ELN.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Implemented several enhancements to improve the inventory search function.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Implemented several minor improvements and security fixes.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Resolved an issue where the incorrect project specification field was inadvertently removed.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed an issue where compartments in the navigation tree were not reloading correctly when editing a compartment
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Resolved an issue where the custom view for equipment could not be updated in specific cases.



Release date: 1 July, 2024

  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Added an option to retain the original author when creating a new protocol version.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Enhanced the sorting of sample type fields when creating ZPL label templates.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Minor enhancements in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [System Admin] – Fixed an issue where the search function did not work when recovering experiments.
  • Fix: [System Admin] – Resolved an issue allowing system administrators to update user profiles in certain scenarios.
  • Fix: [System] – Implemented several security enhancements.


Release date: 1 June, 2024

  • Feature: [Inventory] – Official release of new inventory for all users.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Chemical structures, can be added and edited through ChemAssist in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample Parent is now included in the export when selected as column in the sample view.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Total sample count now reflects to actual sample count including samples in a sample series.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Associated external barcodes are now also supported when using the barcode automation add-on to perform actions.
  • Improvement: [System] – Release of documentation V3.13.
  • Improvement: [System] – System setting to disable the option to switch back to the original inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Various improvements and fixes in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [System] – Minor fixes.



Release date: 15 May, 2024

  • Feature: [Inventory] – Audit trail for sample series has been added and will now be tracked when using the new inventory.
  • Feature: [Inventory] – New permissions added for managing your equipment bookings and those of other users.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Migrated ‘Reserve Compartment’ and ‘Manage Other Planner’ permission settings to the new permissions for booking equipment.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The ‘Reserve Compartment’ permission to has been renamed to ‘Assign Compartment’.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample parent is now available as field when creating a custom view in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – PDF export for a sample now supports the option to include the audit trail for the sample in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – All panels in the new inventory have scrollbars to enhance usability.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Enhanced performance and sorting of relevant results when searching or filtering in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The option to filter expired bookings was causing confusion and has therefore removed in the equipment calendar view.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added missing fields, notices and links the sample dialog when using the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Added a check for unsaved steps in protocols when finalizing or signing a protocol version.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Add-on change logs now support line breaks when released through eLabNext Developer.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved an issue causing that comments were not positioned correctly in the ELN.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Checkboxes were not responding when selecting samples to link them to experiments or protocols.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Quantity field was not displayed in the custom view of a sample series.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – The sample move action was not working as expected in the new inventory when activated through a barcode action using the Barcode Automation add-on.
  • Fix: [SDK] – Add-on side loading was working correctly in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 22 April, 2024

  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue where the unassigned location filter option was not cleared correctly.
  • Fix: [System] – Numerous minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 22 April, 2024

  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Storage unit filter in the new inventory now contains two sections to separate storage units and equipment.
  • Improvement [Inventory] – Sample expiration date is now displayed in dialogs in the new inventory.
  • Improvement [Inventory] – Renaming of the Delete sample to Archive sample in the new Inventory in to enhance consistency.
  • Improvement: [System] – Group License Management now displays 50 group licenses by default.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Minor fixes and improvements.



Release date: 10 April, 2024

  • Feature: [Inventory] – Introduced an enhanced search function to facilitate more efficient sample and compartment searches within the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The filter option has been relocated and now resides adjacent to other filtering options within the updated Inventory interface, streamlining the user experience.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Chemical structures, stored through ChemAssist are now visualized in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Samples’ checked-out status is now indicated in the export file generated within the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [System] – Introduction of a system setting for Private Cloud and On-Premises installations, enabling the reactivation of IP address failback functionality for the ‘remember my computer’ option in 2-step verification.
  • Improvement: [API] – Addition of support for copying equipment sections through the API.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – Expansion of SDK V2 capabilities with a new SDK call to retrieve a list of selected sample IDs within the new Inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Addressed an issue where samples owned by users who had left the group could not be cloned when utilizing the updated Inventory system.
  • Fix: [Protocols] – Resolved an issue where information of samples linked into a procedure could not be viewed when more than two samples were linked.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Users are now sorted alphabetically when assigning a task.
  • Fix: [SDK] – Rectified an SDK V2 initialization issue within the new Inventory module.
  • Fix: [General] – Solved UX issue with some dropdown selectors.


Release date: 26 March, 2024

  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved the styling of the selected state of a well within a sample box.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed a validation issue when entering a decimal number in the sample specifications.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Fix issue where OOS Section is not available in shared experiment template.


Release date: 22 March, 2024

  • Feature: [Inventory] – Added the option to export samples to Excel, CSV and PDF in the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Enhanced box view visualization of samples, sample series and checked-out samples in the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [System] – Removed IP address failback for the “remember my computer” option in 2-step verification.
  • Improvement: [System] – System administrators can now export a list of users based on the system license.
  • Improvement: [API] – Introduced a new API endpoint to support the addition of utilized equipment in the ELN.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Resolved issues in the barcode automation add-on that impacted the archiving of samples and the updating of quantities.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed a formatting issue for PDF exports for samples in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Corrected the updating of sample positions when using the RackScan add-on.
  • Fix: [Protocols] – Implemented additional checks to prevent the creation of multiple draft versions of the same protocol.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor enhancements and fixes in the new inventory.


Release date: 12 March, 2024

  • Improvement: [Inventory] – API documentation is now in sync with eLabNext Developer.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Enhanced the sorting order when searching samples for linking them to experiment or samples in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Group] – Various improvements of the reset 2FA function for group admins.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Creation of new compartments was not working in compartments that were moved from a deleted storage unit.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample Parent was not included in the export when the sample parent had been archived.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Compartment position annotation for alphanumeric compartments has been changed from 2A to A2 in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Checked out samples displayed a duplicate notice message in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added a setting to apply the new series name to samples when cloning a sample as a sample series.
  • Fix: [Protocols] – Solved an issue that caused that 2 drafts could be created for 1 protocol.
  • Fix: [Experiment Template] – Removed the non-functional option for comments in experiment templates from the section submenu.
  • Fix: [System] – Minor fixes and improvements.
  • Fix: [System] – Various enhancement to improve accessibility in accordance to WCAG 2.1 guidelines.


Release date: 26 February, 2024

  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed issue where sample details were not visible when sample was recovered multiple times.
  • Fix [System] – Several minor fixes.



Release date: 20 February, 2024

  • Fix: [ELN] – Fixed issue with infix searching.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Several enhancements and minor fixes in the new Inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed storage tree issue in advanced search when sorting by type.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Minor optimization in OOS sections.


Release date: 1 February, 2024

  • Feature: [System] – New system setting to enable group administrators to reset 2-step verification for users in their group.
  • Feature: [Group] – Group admins can now reset 2-step verification for users in their group.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample lists now retains the last selected view in the new Inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Resolved an alignment issue for checkboxes when listing samples in Safari and Firefox.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Resolved a visual issue that suggested that compartments were duplicated when moving compartments through drag and drop.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Excel files linked in organisation-shared experiment templates are now also added when used by other groups.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Several enhancements and minor fixes in the new Inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Updating samples in bulk was not working correctly when archived samples were linked to samples.


Release date: 18 January, 2024

  • Feature: [Inventory] – Added the option add new samples to an existing sample series in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Compatibility with loading chemical structures from ChemDraw files (.cdx and .cdxml) in the MarvinJS add-on.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added the option to print the validation expiration date for equipment.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added visual indication for checked out samples in a box in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample creator now displayed in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Various minor enhancements in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Resolved inconsistency for use and labelling of the Project ID and Project Name fields in the ELN.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Resolved an issue that impacted equipment managers without the permission to update equipment as they were unable to update equipment in the new Inventory
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The sample owner and location were not visible for certain users when opening a linked sample in the ELN.
  • Fix: [Protocols] – Solved in issue that blocked signing of protocols in case single sign-on is used for authentication but not for signing of protocols.
  • Fix: [System] – Several minor fixes.


Release date: 2 January, 2024

  • Feature: [Inventory] – The column width of the sample list can now be adjusted according to the user preference in the new inventory.
  • Feature: [Inventory] – Sample views can be shared with other users in the group when using the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Users now receive a notification on the experiment when a generated an experiment PDF report is ready.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample action buttons are now correctly positioned when opening samples in the new Inventory.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Resolved an issue causing that exporting a signed experiment was not working in certain cases.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved an issues when restarting a procedure when a different procedure had been restarted previously in the same experiment.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Adjusted labelling of the as signed by for the first signature in the PDF export of an experiment.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved an issue during the export of a signed experiment which was resulting in an error.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Minor fix when using regular expressions to validate input in sample fields for the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Resolved an issue causing that the inventory browser was not loading when trying to select samples in an experiment sample section.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue where the custom view was not responding anymore in the sample series page.
  • Fix: [System] – Several enhancements and improvements.


Release date: 29 November, 2023

  • Fix [Protocols] – Solved an issue where the protocol equations were broken



Release date: 29 November, 2023

  • Improvement: [General] – Enhanced performance in searching within eLab.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Implemented optimisations in OOS screenshot generation.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Implemented several smaller fixes and optimisations.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – User filter for samples was not listing the correct list of users when using the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue where the bulk edit data was not loaded when only selecting samples of a series.



Release date: 25 November, 2023

  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Enhanced visibility for well positions containing samples that are part of a sample series to improve the overall user experience.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Fixed an issue where the round function in protocol formulas did not honour the specified number of digits behind the decimal point.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Implemented several minor fixes and improvements in the new inventory system.


Release date: 5 November, 2023

  • Improvement: [ELN] – Copied protocols are now in a draft state after copying.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue where only one location could be selected when creating a series.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue where a changed sample location was not always captured in the audit trial.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Numerous minor fixes and improvements.
  • Fix: [System] – Numerous minor fixes and improvements.



Release date: 31 October, 2023

  • Feature: [ELN] – Release of the new Signature Workflow add-on, allowing project-specific workflows for signing and witnessing experiments.
  • Feature: [Inventory] – You can now enter a removal reason when removing a sample from the Inventory.
  • Feature: [Inventory] – Introduced a Group policy requiring a removal reason when removing a sample.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved handling for using dot (.) and comma (,) notations for sample quantities in the new Inventory
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Made external links in sample descriptions active in the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Enhanced printing of sample series, now also supporting custom sample views.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The positions in a box are now highlighted when opening from ELN.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Resolved the problem of comments overlapping when multiple comments were added to the same ELN section.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Corrected the sorting of sample custom fields in case fields are conditionally visible sections.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed the issue where the expired booking filter displayed bookings from the previous day in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed permissions checks preventing sample series actions in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The sample owner is now displayed correctly (not as “undefined”) in the new Inventory for blocked users.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Numerous minor fixes and improvements.



Release date: 17 October, 2023

  • Improvement: [System] – Extended the group menu with various actions to enhance usability.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The sample batch add-on is now also available in the Inventory Browser in the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved usability in the new Inventory module to remember the last used location.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Numerous improvements and fixes in the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [System] – Release of documentation V3.12.
  • Fix: [System] – Resolved an issue related to resetting a user’s password as a system administrator.


Release date: 25 September, 2023

  • Feature: [System] – System administrators can now generate reports on system, group, or user levels for user activity, item creation, and data storage.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Moving multiple compartments in one action is now supported in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Multiple compartments can now be deleted in one actions in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [ELN] – The option to create experiments from an experiment template was not available in case a group only used organization-shared templates.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Searching samples in the new inventory did not list all samples in the search result in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The Storage Unit hierarchy was not correctly displayed in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Custom fields for equipment were not ordered correctly in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sorting on the Sample Parent field in the advanced search was not working correctly when certain search filters were active.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Various minor fixes in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Protocols] – Protocols for which a witness signature was requested could still be edited by the author.
  • Fix: [API] – API endpoint /api/v1/samples/{sampleID}/meta was not working for archived samples.
  • Fix: [API] – Archived samples were not returned in the expand on endpoint /api/v1/samples/{sampleID} for experiments.


Release date: 17 September, 2023

  • Fix: [Integrations] – Increased timeout for ChatGPT integration.
  • Fix: [Journal] – Fixed issue with actions not working on sample sections.


Release date: 13 September, 2023

  • Feature: [Inventory] – Added support for multiple compartment selection to perform actions in bulk in the new inventory.
  • Feature: [Inventory] – Printing of ZPL labels for multiple compartments is now supported in the new inventory (requires ZPL add-on V2.0.1).
  • Feature: [Inventory] – You can now set the name of a sample series upon creation in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Shift-select multiple samples is now supported in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [API] – Introduced API endpoints to retrieve the Experiment and Section logs.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added the API endpoint api/v1/samples/recover to support restoring samples from the sample archive.
  • Improvement: [System] – Added a setting to support Sign Logout Requests when using SAML authentication.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Improved the back button function in the ELN to enforce navigation to the experiment list or experiment browser in all cases.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Samples removed from an ELN sample section could not be restored for samples with a single quote in the name.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Resolved a visual issue that suggested that editing of comments of other users in the ELN is supported.
  • Fix: [Project] – Fixed the issue where the fields “project name” and “project ID” were swapped in the Project list.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Corrected location selection in the advanced sample search, which was not working correctly in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Selected locations were not sorted based on sequence of selection when using the Sample Batch Import add-on.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample Batch import function was not working correctly for sample link fields in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Icon is now correctly set when copying a storage unit.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue in the permission checks when setting the sample parent when using the Parent Sample add-on.
  • Fix: [API] – GET/api/v1/samples call was only returning linked experiments for the first returned sample.
  • Fix: [System] – Incorrect error message “File size too small” when uploading files to the ELN file section or File Storage when uploading files from cloud storage.
  • Fix: [System] – Addressed minor issues and made enhancements.


Release date: 28 August, 2023

  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The new inventory is now also used to link samples to the ELN and to protocols.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Samples can be selected in bulk when linking samples to experiments when using the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The change owner option for samples is now available as a single action in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Compartment numbering can now be changed when adding new compartments.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Filters can now display the first selected user, sample type or location in the inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The flow to add compartments to a storage unit in case there are no compartment types defined has been streamlined in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sorting of values in custom sample field dropdown is now alphabetical.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Various minor fixes and improvements in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API endpoint to remove compartments in bulk.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API endpoints for permissions.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Sorting in the project table on certain fields was not working correctly.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Conversion of compartment numbering was stepping over the N.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sorting on the expiration date in the advanced search was not working correctly when certain search filters were active.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Various minor fixes in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The new inventory was not loading all storage units or equipment in case a group had more than 1000 devices in the new inventory.


Release date: 3 August, 2023

  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue when accepting an invite to join a project group. (NOTE: the changelog of V2.36.1 said it was fixed in that version but it didn’t include the fix)


Release date: 3 August, 2023

  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where editing a sample with removed custom meta fields was giving errors.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where data of custom meta fields was not always saved when editing a complete series.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Various minor fixes in the new inventory.



Release date: 25 July, 2023

  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue when accepting an invite to join a project group.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample views were not loaded correctly when a view contained a removed custom sample field.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Special characters in the table header affected sorting in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Various minor fixes in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Tasks for samples were not consistently displayed in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [System] – Release of documentation V3.11.


Release date: 20 July, 2023

  • Feature: [System] – Added support for automatic retrieval of system licenses through a license key.
  • Feature: [API] – API calls to support ChatGPT integration in eLabNext.
  • Improvement: [Add-ons] – Compatibility with the new Inventory for the following add-ons: Sample Check-out, Barcode Automation and Tasks.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added the option to dismiss the new inventory notice.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Various other improvements and fixes in the new inventory based on customer feedback.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Compartment Orientation setting has been added to the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Regular text files (.txt) can now be uploaded as protocol attachment.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API call to assign multiple compartments at once.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Change quantity was not working correctly in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – ZPL print option is now supported for Storage Units, Equipment and Compartments in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [API] – Solved issue where HTML output was incorrectly sanitized in the endpoint /api/v1/experiments/sections/{expJournalID}/content.


Release date: 18 July, 2023

  • Fix: [Inventory V2] – Solved an issue in the sample audit trail when updating samples in the new inventory.



Release date: 11 July, 2023

  • Feature: [Protocols] – Finalizing of procedures can now be done through a signing- and witness signing step.
  • Feature: [ELN] – Users now have the option to load a higher protocol version when (re)starting a procedure in the ELN.
  • Feature: [System] – A system setting to control the number of samples that can be added in one operation when creating a sample series, cloning samples, or importing samples in through the new Inventory can now be set in private cloud or on-premises installations.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Added a filter in the experiment browser to filter for active projects.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved sorting on compartments in the new inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The information of the linked catalogue items can be opened from the new Inventory.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added a notice when cloning a sample from an archived sample.
  • Improvement: [Dashboard] – Lists for requested witness signatures or declined signatures are no longer displayed when the policy to require witness signature for experiments is not active.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Various other improvements in the new inventory based on customer feedback.
  • Improvement: [API] – Extended filtering options for the GET/api/v1/samples call based on date.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Values for custom sample fields with an # sign in their name were not displayed in the new inventory.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Location information was not included in the PDF export.
  • Fix: [System] – Changing to a groups where 2-step verification is required was not working for users that did not set-up 2-step verification.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 4 July, 2023

  • Fix: [Protocols] – Fixed issue with incorrect access check on protocol categories.



Release date: 28 June, 2023

  • Feature: [SDK] – Release of SDK V2.0
  • Improvement: [Add-ons] – Compatibility with Inventory V2 for several add-ons, including Sample Lineage, Sample Parent, Sample Check-out, Elemental Machines, Eppendorf RackScan, Eppendorf SafeCode Consumable, Barcode Automation and Tasks.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Various improvements and minor fixes in Inventory V2.


  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved usability when adding a sample series to a location with insufficient free positions in Inventory V2.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – A witness is now also added as collaborator when reassigning a witness.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Added mm2, cm2 and dm2 as units for area for protocol variables.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Various improvements and fixes in Inventory V2.
  • Fix: [ELN] – The image caption was not correctly saved when it contained 2 characters or less.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Renaming an experiment incorrectly triggered a file upload dialog in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Added a check on the use of a user role when attempting to delete it from the group.


  • Improvement: [Inventory V2] – Improved overall performance.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2] – Samples with an archived sample type can now be viewed.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2] – Sample boxes can now be sorted by position.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2] – The sample box editor functionality is now restored after moving a sample box.
  • Fix: [System] – Various other minor improvements and fixes.


  • Fix: [ELN] – When saving a text section the page stays at the same location instead of scrolling to the top of the experiment.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Chemical structure could not be saved when it contained agents for the ChemAssist add-on.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2] – Fixed multiple issues in inventory V2.
  • Fix: [System] – Minor improvement and fixes.


  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Updated wording in protocol audit trail.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2] – Fixed multiple issues in inventory V2.


  • Feature: [Inventory V2] – Added the option to add a sample to the current sample series when cloning a sample.
  • Feature: [Inventory V2] – Sample Audit trail can now be exported to PDF.
  • Feature: [Inventory V2] – Added the option for users to provide feedback on Inventory V2.
  • Improvement: [System] – Release of documentation V3.10.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API call DELETE /api/v1/storageTypes.
  • Improvement: [Inventory V2] – Added the option to insert special characters.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Cloning a sample series was not logged in the sample audit trail.
  • Improvement: [Supplies] – Added XPF as currency to the product catalog.
  • Improvement: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Various minor improvements in Inventory V2


  • Feature: [ELN] – New Group policy to enforce that ELN protocol sections can only be restarted.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – The restart protocol option has been moved to protocol section header in the ELN.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Cursor position was moved to the document end when opening ELN text and protocol sections.
  • Improvement: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Full location path can be added and displayed in the custom sample views.
  • Improvement: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Option to Switch between Inventory V1 and V2 has been added to the account settings.
  • Improvement: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Opening of samples from other groups in shared storage locations is now correctly handled.
  • Improvement: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Several minor improvements and fixes.
  • Improvement: [Protocol] – The group in which the protocol was created is now displayed in the protocol header.
  • Improvement: [Protocol] – Improved handling when editing or finalizing of protocols when a different group is active.
  • Improvement: [Protocol] – Protocol audit trail now includes protocol version numbers.
  • Improvement: [System] – Support for custom S3 endpoints.


  • Fix: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Sample quantity was not editable when quantity unit is set to number.


  • Fix: [File Storage] – File upload not working anymore when setting the file size setting to a high value.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample expiration date was not always correct using the ZPL Print add-on.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Corrected the edit equipment route.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample log and report buttons were not visible anymore.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Sample quantity was not always visible.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Minor improvements and fixes.


  • Improvement: [Inventory V2 Beta]
  • Improved usability for selecting samples in the table view.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – Various improvements on the SDK.
  • Improvement: [System] – Minor improvements and fixes.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample export was not working correctly when filtering samples on expiration date.
  • Fix: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Solved a permission issue when delete sample was blocked in certain cases.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Name of witness was not correctly displayed in certain cases.


  • Feature: [Inventory V2 Beta]
  • Inventory V2 Beta Release.
  • Feature: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Support for 3-panel-view.
  • Feature: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Moving of samples using drag and drop within the box.
  • Feature: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Custom list views supported.
  • Feature: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Sample series can now be expanded and collapsed.
  • Improvement: [Inventory V2 Beta] – Various improvements to enhance the usability.
  • Feature: [System Admin] – System administrators setting to activate the Inventory V2 beta for Private Cloud and On-Premises installations.


  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – The add-on name and version is now included in the message when manually fetching add-on updates.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Added mW as new unit for protocol variables.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved a time zone conversion issue when exporting samples.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Creating certain storage units with custom compartment dimensions was not working correctly.
  • Fix: [API] – POST /api/v1/samples/removeFromLocation action also created a log entry in case the sample is not stored in a storage location.
  • Fix: [API] – POST /api/v1/samples/changeOwner action also created a log entry in case the sample owner was changed to the current sample owner.
  • Fix: [System] – Various security fixes and improvements.



  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved an issue that experiments without sections cannot be found when searching.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Solved an issue where the Task add-on caused that restarting protocols was not working correctly.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Added handling for the ELN export in case an inserted image is not available when generating a PDF.
  • Feature: [Protocol] – Audit trail is for protocols is now available in the protocol log.
  • Feature: [ELN] – The experiment witness can now be reassigned.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The sample audit trail can now be included when exporting the sample PDF.
  • Improvement: [System] – System administrators now see an error notice in case session stickiness is not correctly configured on High Availability installations.
  • Improvement: [API] – The user last login information has been added to the GET /api/v1/users/{userID}/profile call.
  • Fix: [add-on] – Connecting Sensors in the Elemental Machines add-on was no longer working when directly linking them through the Equipment or Storage Unit.



  • Feature: [ELN] – Add-on generated section content is now displayed in PDF and HTML exports.
  • Feature: [Add-on] – Task creation for protocols.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Users are notified about available add-on updates through a counter badge.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – Added validation for adding/editing Equipment through SDK call.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – The add-on name and version is now added to the key-user email notification when add-on updates are fetched.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Improved sorting and usability in organization/group dropdown.
  • Improvement: [API] – Exposed API calls for signing and witness signing experiments.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Incorrect loading of section history dialog for add-on generated section in certain cases.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Corrected comment positioning in experiments when section content is still loading.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Study status was not correctly updated in when experiments were removed from a study that was in progress.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Made equipment description limit of 1000 characters explicit.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Corrected the error message displayed when trying to change the installation scope of a paid add-on.
  • Fix: [System] – Minor improvement and fixes.


  • Improvement: [ELN] – The resolution of images in generated ELN PDF exports has increased.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – The Project or Study name in the experiment headers become active links.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – The Project name in the study becomes an active link.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Experiments without sections can be found when searching.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Values in dropdown fields are sorted alphabetically when using the Sample Batch Update add-on.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – New SDK call to support compartment actions.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – System administrators can disable GLP compliance setting for sample deletion in the system settings.
  • Improvement: [System] – Improved the contrast on text throughout the application.
  • Improvement: [System] – Improved the sorting and usability for selecting groups in the system admin panel.
  • Improvement: [System] – Various minor improvements.
  • Improvement: [System] – Various security improvements.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Custom sections are now visible when only having the View Experiment permission.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The sample expiration date is now included in the export for archived samples.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The correct date is now displayed in the deleted date column in the Sample Archive.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Ion pairs are now taken into account in reactions with the ChemAssist add-on.
  • Fix: [Group] – The currency group setting now defaults to the previously set value when updating group settings.



  • Feature: [Group] – Added a new Group Policy to enforce assigned witnesses exclusive signing rights for experiments.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Improved the resolution of previews for uploaded images in ELN text sections.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Preview of images in ELN files sections are now closed when opening the next image preview.
  • Improvement: [API] – Signed and witness sign status have been added to the GET api/V1/experiments call.
  • Improvement: [Procedures] – Added cm and dm as new unit in protocol variables.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – The add-on template file generated now includes the newly supported add-on properties, such as version compatibility and legal notice messages.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – You can now filter the Timeline based on type of sections made by Add-Ons.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – The saving time of CloneAssist is improved
  • Improvement: [System] – Various minor improvements.
  • Fix: [System] – Removing a user from the group did not return the correct error message when trying to remove the group owner.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes
  • Fix: [System] – The system license for Private Cloud and On-Premises installations was not correctly initialized in case certain external monitoring tools were used.



  • Improvement: [API] – Signed and witness sign status have been added to the GET api/V1/experiments call.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Improved handling when uploading an image to improve the resolution of images displayed the ELN.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – The add-on template file generated now includes the newly supported add-on properties, such as version compatibility and legal notice messages.
  • Improvements: [System] – Minor improvements.
  • Fix: [System] – Remove user from group did not return the correct error message when trying to remove the group owner.



  • Feature: [Inventory] -Auto incremental sample names, barcodes or sample specifications can now be generated based on a configurable prefix and suffix in the Sample Type Settings.
  • Feature: [System] – eLabNext software products can now serve as identity provider (IdP) to enable user authentication for third party add-on access.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Text uploaded in an image section of signed experiments can now be viewed and downloaded through the menu.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Signing experiments though the study sign flow is now supported for systems using SAML authentication.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Project Groups are now sorted alphabetically in the ELN browser.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample Archive can now be searched by the external sample ID/barcode.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The external ID column can now be displayed when creating a custom view in the sample list.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Installation scope is now automatically updated according to the current installation in the system when fetching add-on updates.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – The add-on change log is now displayed when upgrading an add-on.
  • Improvement: [System] – Updating group settings or policies now requires users to first set this group as their active group.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – Added new calls to the SDK to hide or display buttons and to add notices.
  • Improvement: [API] – Various improvements and additions in the API.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Improved handling for generating PDF from a table that in case it was imported from a Word document.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sorting samples on their quantity was not working as expected.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample deletion date is now formatted according to the use time zone in the Sample Archive.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Inventory Browser sample search results could not be closed in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Version compatibility is now included when fetching new add-ons or add-on updates from the repository.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – The scan to ELN add-on button was duplicated in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Office Online Server preview now also correctly displays the chosen decimals based on the add-on settings.
  • Fix: [API] – The API that created an incomplete sample log entry when updating the sample location through the API.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and fixes.



  • Improvement: [Projects] – Project groups are now listed alphabetically in the project filter in the Study List.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved natural sorting in the Inventory browser tree.
  • Improvement: [System] – The SAML login message received when users are not allowed to login has been styled.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Protocol variables are now sorted per step in the protocol formula editor to improve usability.
  • Fix: [API] – Solved an issue in the POST /api/v1/projects call that caused an error when creating projects.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Section visibility conditions were not working correctly causing fields to become visible in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Compartment types could not be removed from a storage unit configuration in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and fixes.


  • Improvement: [Dashboard] – Declined and requested Witness Signatures listed on the Dashboard now have paging.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Added the ≙ and ≠ symbols to the list of special characters which can be added to ELN text section.
  • Improvement: [Projects] – The description for Project and Study is limited to 1000 characters and now shows a character count.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved sorting of compartments in the Inventory Browser main panel to align with the sorting in the navigation tree.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added the option to print the validation date, equipment type and custom equipment fields using the ZPL print add-on.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Users are now sorted alphabetically when selecting a user in the change owner dropdown menu.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Added the option to link add-on documentation in the Marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – the assigned user of a task is notified when a task is reassigned.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – The option to create tasks for Samples or Experiments is now configurable.
  • Improvement: [API] – API call api/v1/users/ can now also be used to retrieve user profiles in the group.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – Added SDK call for Storage Units and Equipment.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Samples were not correctly sorted in the Advanced Search when sorting on storage location.
  • Fix: [Group] – Inviting users to a group now displays the correct error message when the system license is full.
  • Fix: [File Storage] – Restored the option to find associated samples in the File Storage.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Minor fixes in the Marketplace.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and fixes.


  • Improvement: [API] – New API calls to set and remove the sample parent.
  • Improvement: [Equipment] – Equipment now have new icons which correspond to the selected equipment type.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Required fields are now accordingly marked when adding or editing a product in the catalog.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – When creating a sample type with an identical name of an archived sample type, you now have the option to recover the archived sample type.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Added g/mol as new unit of protocol variables.
  • Improvement: [File Storage] – The use of the list or grid view is now remembered in the File Storage.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Daylight saving time (DST) is now considered for datetime fields when importing samples using the Sample Batch Import add-on.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Users are now warned when leaving an experiment and office section is still open.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – The Sample Lineage add-on now has a scrollbar to improve usability.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Experiments could not be copied by certain users in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Image upload was not working correctly to the image section from Box or Google Drive for systems using eLabHybrid Storage.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Upload of images with the Box and Google Drive add-on was not working correctly for systems using eLabHybrid.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Moving compartments between shared Storage Units was not handled correctly in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Solved various issues in ChemAssist.
  • Fix: [System] – Updated our SAML 2.0 component to support any number of used certificates.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and bug fixes.




  • Feature: [Protocols] – Groups can now to create their own protocol categories in the Group Settings.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Editing a sample from the experiment now brings the user back to the experiment after saving.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Added the ± symbol as special character in the ELN text section.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Various improvements to display linked experiments to Samples.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – 384-well plate has been added as default compartment type when adding a new compartment type.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample types that only has samples existing in the archive, can now on itself also be archived.
  • Improvement: [Supplies] – Enabled the option to recover a product catalog when adding a product with a catalog number that was used before.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added the position of a sample when using the Location (short) to a ZPL label template.
  • Improvement: [System] – Users are now directed to correct region when accepting a group invite for the Public cloud.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added various API calls for custom storage unit fields.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Actions for samples falling below the sample threshold are now also triggered during sample edit.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue causing that shared equipment could not be unlinked from a group in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Selecting multiple samples of a sample series was not working correctly when holding the SHIFT key.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – The last added equipment validation is now set as active when removing an equipment validation that is currently active.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and bug fixes.



  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where the saving state was not reset correctly after validation failed when editing/adding a sample.
  • Fix: [API] – Solved issue where adding sample type meta information was yielding an error because a field was missing.
  • Fix: [API] – Solved issue where user management set/get call was yielding an error because of duplicate endpoint controllers.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue where it was not able to edit/delete/view studies anymore.



  • Feature: [ELN] – Support for copying sections in experiments.
  • Improvement: [API] – Filtering options “created” and “statusChanged” are now available for the get experiments call.
  • Improvement: [System] – Replaced organisation selection by a searchable organisation selection at various places.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Collaborators are now logged when creating an experiment.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – System marketplace now has system add-ons selected as standard filter.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Show message when trying to change scope of paid add-ons.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Preview of excel section is now created from correct tab.
  • Improvement: [API] – Use readonly state management throughout whole API.
  • Improvement: [API] – Sample meta values are now validated in the API.
  • Improvement: [System] – Group invites now contains public region information in the identifyAs parameter.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Several improvements for the ChemAssist add-on.
  • Improvement: [System] – General modal styling improvements.
  • Improvement: [System] – Show link to setup 2FA when 2FA is not setup yet.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Solved issue where equipment report dates were always set to default values instead of the user input.
  • Fix: [Protocols] – Solved issue where group procedures page was not correctly the admin mode.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue where cell spacing, cell padding and border size were not updated in text sections.
  • Fix: [API] – Solved issue where the POST studies call returned the name instead of the notes for the notes field.
  • Fix: [API] – Solved issue where catalog items sorting on price was not correct.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue where ELN export to HTML caused a not url encoded link in the file section.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where “text starts with” was not validated correctly.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where radio button behavior during the storage compartment creation was not correct.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where the limit max number of compartments setting was not set when creating a compartment type.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue where images pasted into CKEditor were not correctly aligned on save.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue where double-clicking on creation of study caused duplicated studies.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue where double-clicking on creation of sample caused duplicated samples.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue where the redirect of the back button in a experiment was not always correct.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where sample location was not updated in the view when moving a sample series.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and fixes.


  • Fix: [System] – Solved issues that prevented database upgrades from running correctly.
  • Fix: [System] – Made migrations compatible with older mariadb versions.
  • Fix: [System] – Solved issue with signing experiments using SAML.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue with validation of required sample type fields.
  • Fix: [System] – Several other minor fixes.


  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue in advanced search where the sorting was not always applied.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Solved issue where validation dates were not always visible.
  • Fix: [Group] – Group invite request is now send to the group owner.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue where the label templates tab was not visible for certain scopes of add-on.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Solved issue with checking version compatibility of add-ons.
  • Fix: [System] – Several other minor fixes.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Several improvements for the ChemAssist add-on.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Message displayed when changing scope of add-ons.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – During import of samples, the user is now asked which time zone to apply for date/time fields.
  • Improvement: [System] – New version of the documentation.


  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Several improvements for the ChemAssist add-on
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved authentication security for oAuth 2.0 authentication in dedicated installations.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Downloaded files from OOS add-on sections are have the section name in case it was started as a new file.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Values in options fields are now sorted alphabetically when setting up search conditions in the advanced sample search.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Solved an issue that a free trial for paid add-ons could not be started in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Validation for SMILES was not working correctly when updating samples in batch with the ChemAssist add-on.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The option to edit samples in batch was not displayed for users without permissions to change the sample owner.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Dropdown menus were not displayed correctly and could not be copied when updating samples in batch.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Solved an image scaling issue in the install add-on dialog.
  • Fix: [System] – Several other minor fixes.


  • Feature: [Marketplace] – Version compatibility for add-ons can now be set to only allow installation of add-ons on systems that are compatible with the add-on or add-on version in the Marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Added the option to select the add-on version when installing an add-on.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Various visual improvements for displaying add-ons in the Marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Long search list names are now displayed in a tooltip.
  • Improvement: [Equipment] – Added the option to mark a validation as active for a device.
  • Improvement: [File Storage] – Improved usability of the Search function in the File Storage.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – Improved mechanism to keep the SDK documentation up to date.
  • Fix: [System] – Updated links to getting started documentation when starting a new free trial.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved an issue that caused that comments were not saved when containing special characters.
  • Improvement: [API] – API endpoint to update storage and equipment metadata improved.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and fixes.


  • Fix: [ELN] – Fixed issue with duplicate label in copy study button.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Set parent sample was silently failing in advanced search.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – User filter dropdown in sample list was not functioning correctly in some cases.
  • Fix: [API] – Get Experiments call was yielding an error in case of an empty chemical section.
  • Fix: [API] – Fixed issue with retrieval of equipment logs.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Fixed issue experiment browser not displaying experiment with multiple chemical sections.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Removed possibility to permanently delete storage unit with samples (GxP).
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Updated text and video link for “New to eLabInventory” alert.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Study link in experiment list was not clickable.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue with PDF export of experiment with chemical section.


  • Improvement: [ELN] – Support for signing experiments for systems using SAML authentication.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added the option to export samples from the Sample Archive.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Extended the sample log with the user first name and user ID.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Inventory search was visually improved and now displays more search results.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added a new API call to retrieve the experiment template ID.
  • Fix: [ELN] – The pending witness signature message was duplicated when navigating between experiments in certain cases.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved a log display issue of the experiment log when first opening a experiment section log.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The Sample Parent field was not listed in field list when using the Sample Batch update add-on for a sample series.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an issue in the field name validation when updating a Sample Type field.
  • Fix: [Project Group] – Solved an issue that caused that all studies in a project group were visible for all users.
  • Fix: [Group] – Added a check to remove project groups before deleting a group.
  • Fix: [Group] – Removed the option to create public groups.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Various improvements to improve performance and reliability of the Office Online Server add-on.
  • Fix: [Supplies] – Solved an HTLM encoding issue of line breaks in the comments section of the product catalog.
  • Fix: [System] – Generating a license report for organisations was not working in case the organisation name had a quote in the name.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes and improvements.


  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed issue with checkbox not selecting all fields in sample series bulk edit.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed issue were save button was not triggered if parantheses were present in sample field.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue were setting location of sample did not update the inventory browser.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Resolved issue were name of experiment was not set correctly upon copying experiment.


  • Feature: [Marketplace] – Free trials for add-ons can now be started directly from the Marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Icons for Storage Units and Equipment have been updated according to our new style guide.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The option to set a custom background and text color for Sample Types has been added.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved the display saved search queries in the Search Lists.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added support the .geneious file extension validation in file attachment fields for samples.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Added a check to enforce the creation of unique field names in Sample Types.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved handling for license expiry for add-ons.
  • Improvement: [System] – Software maintenance plan expiry is now highlighted for with an on-premises installation with a perpetual license.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API calls to retrieve and search the product catalogue.
  • Improvement: [API] – Created an API call to upload a validation report for Storage Units.
  • Fix: [ELN] – The pending witness signature message was duplicated when navigating between experiments in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Numeric field validation for a value range displayed an incorrect error message.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Fixed an issue that caused that quotes in names were duplicated when copying a storage unit.
  • Fix: [File Storage] – Minor fixes to correct the display of long file names in the File Storage.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Solved date display issue in the Elemental Machines add-on.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes and improvements.


  • Feature: [Marketplace] – Support for configuration of OAuth 2.0 authentication for add-ons connecting to third party services.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – A sample link in a procedure can now be cleared when restarting the procedure.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The sample location is now included in the sample log when creating a new sample.
  • Improvement: [File Storage] – Several improvements in the File Storage to improve file searching and usability of the File Storage.
  • Improvement: [System] – Systems using AD/LDAP(S) authentication now show AD username as label on the login panel.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Number of samples in a location was incorrectly displayed in the Sample Series information when samples were stored in compartments with the same name.
  • Fix: [Supplies] – Solved an issue causing products to be added twice to the Shopping list in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System Admin] – Fixed issue when updating the user profile with single quote in the name.
  • Fix: [System] – Fixed issue that permission table was not correctly displayed in case a lab had more than 12 user roles defined.
  • Fix: [System] – Various fixes to eliminate cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements.


  • Improvement: [System] – The user filter has been extended a with quick search to improve usability when selecting a user in the Experiment List, Experiment Browser and Timeline.
  • Improvement: [System] – Expanded script file versioning to reduce issues related to script caching when releasing new version updates.
  • Fix: [Supplies] – Validation to avoid duplicate catalog numbers when editing a product in the catalog has been added.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Links to files in the experiment PDF print were incorrectly included in the generated PDF files.
  • Fix: [System] – Solved issue which caused that ‘remember my computer’ was working correctly for login with 2-step verification in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor bug and security fixes.


  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample parent can now also be updated when using the Sample Batch Update add-on.
  • Improvement: [Procedures] – Added mS/cm as new unit for conductivity for protocol variables.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API endpoint for removing compartments in Storage Units.
  • Improvement: [System] – The option to generate a barcode for the organisation login on the Mobile app is now accessible when setting up two-step verification is enforced.
  • Improvement: [System] – Disabled the editing of files using eLabWebEdit for executable file extensions in the ELN file section to improve security.
  • Improvement: [System] – Various minor improvements in the usability and user interface.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue that blocked the selection samples when then the same samples were added in the ELN in more than 1 sample section in the same experiment.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Notifications could not be sent when tagging collaborators in experiment comments.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sorting issue when linking external barcodes to samples in sample series.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample Parent was not displayed when editing a sample with an archived sample parent.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Default sample quantity was not set when creating new samples in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Print compartment now works correctly for compartments to which samples are added from top to down.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample quantity is now also added to the sample log when cloning a sample.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Performance improvement when creating samples series from existing samples repetitively.
  • Fix: [File Storage] – Files with a single quote in the file name are now correctly uploaded in the File Storage.
  • Fix: [System] – Login after session expiry using the login dialog did not work in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor bug and security fixes.


  • Feature: [System Admin] – The user profile name and time zone can now be updated by the system administrator.
  • Improvement: [System] – Documentation has been updated to version 3.4 and now contains links to our new tutorial video’s
  • Improvement: [Equipment] – The position of sample in a compartment is now displayed when editing a sample using the Sample Batch Update add-on.
  • Improvement: [Permissions] – The group name is now displayed in the title when updating permission settings.
  • Fix: [ELN] – File preview for MS office files was not displayed in experiments created from an experiment template shared within the organization.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Samples are now sorted correctly in a sample series when linking an external barcode.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The name of a storage unit or compartment with special characters is now displayed correctly.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – The order of add-ons versions in the marketplace is now listed in the correct order.
  • Fix: [System] – SAML logout request was incorrectly handled in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements in the user interface.Fix: [System] – Various fixes to eliminate cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.


  • Improvement: [ELN] – Images added in an ELN protocol section can be edited.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The option to validate and change the device status is now also supported for Storage Units.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The quantity unit can now be changed when cloning a sample.
  • Improvement: [Procedures] – Improved the image resolution of the group logo in file exports.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – System admin Sample Import can handle the import of linking of multiple files in one sample specification field.
  • Improvement: [API] – Extended the API with calls to create experiments from experiment templates.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API calls to create and update Projects and Studies.
  • Improvement: [API] – Introduced a check for certain API endpoints in case those endpoints require the installation of an add-on.
  • Improvement: [API] – Added API endpoint to check the eLabNext software product version of the system.
  • Improvement: [System] – Various minor improvements in the user interface.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Drawing sections can no longer be removed when editing the section.
  • Fix: [System] – Product Catalog imports that include a supplier with a quote in the name are now imported correctly.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – The OOS add-on is now compatible with the use of S3 storage.
  • Fix: [Add-on] – Various fixes to eliminate cross site scripting vulnerabilities.


  • Fix: [System] – Removed dependency to load system currencies from the application server to avoid issues when adding samples.
  • Fix: [System] – Solved issue that the currency symbol was not correctly displayed in the Product Catalog list.


  • Fix: [ELN] – Reverted V2.7 and later updates to the ELN text section.
  • Fix: [API] – PATCH call samplemeta now fully supports file manager links
  • Fix: [API] – GET call sample log didn’t returns results with ‘update’ log entries


  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Support for adding a system compatibility check prior to installing an add-on from the Marketplace.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Empty cells in tables pasted from Word could not be selected in an ELN text section.
  • Fix: [API] – The storage location was not updated correctly when moving a compartment to a different storage location.


  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Samples in a Sample Series are now sorted as selected in the Sample List when using the Sample Batch Update add-on.
  • Improvement: [System] – Documentation has been updated to version 3.3.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved an issue that blocked selecting experiments listed over multiple pages when using the Sign Study function.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Removed paging on requested witness signatures list on the dashboard as this was not functional.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Images added to text section in Experiment Templates were not displayed for other users.
  • Fix: [ELN] – The preview a file added to the Excel section in an Experiment Templates was not displayed for other users.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Saving a text section in the ELN was not working after adding an image caption or when adding a sample to a sample section.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved a minor issue where a compartment position was displayed for samples in a Sample Series that are located in a gridless compartment.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Setting the sample parent was not working correctly when setting this for multiple samples at once with the Set Parent add-on.
  • Fix: [Procedures] – Images included in word files were not correctly imported in protocols when using the Import from Word option.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes and improvements.


  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Cloning of a sample or sample series across multiple locations is now supported.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Advanced Sample Search supports searching based on its use or creation in a project, study, or experiment.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Section footer was not displayed in the ELN Timeline.


  • Improvement: [ELN] – Comments can now be edited and deleted by all collaborators in the ELN.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Increased the name length and added a tooltip to display the full file name in the ELN file section in case of long file names.
  • Improvement: [Equipment] – Added a notification when validation files for Equipment exceeds the allowed maximum file size of 256Mb.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Set the complete status of an experiment function now first asks for confirmation.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Cloning of a sample or sample series across multiple locations is now supported.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Advanced Sample Search supports searching based on its use or creation in a project, study, or experiment.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Printing the Sample List using the browser print function is now fully supported.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The sample expiration date field was visible when editing a sample, also in the case this field was disabled.
  • Fix: [Procedures] – Public procedures could not be accessed in certain cases in Private Cloud or On-Premises installations.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Compartment reservations could not be edited in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes and improvements.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Section footer was not displayed in the ELN Timeline.


  • Feature: [Marketplace] – Support for hosting of paid add-ons in the Marketplace.
  • Feature: [Marketplace] – ELN export now supports JSON and XML format.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – Setting the sample parent is now supported in the Barcode Automation add-on.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – New SDK calls to support actions in the Storage Unit view.
  • Improvement: [API] – New API call to retrieve files from the File Storage.
  • Improvement: [Project Groups] – Project groups are now listed alphabetically.
  • Improvement: [System] – Changed the sorting order in the groups dropdown list to alphabetical.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Added tooltip to display the full project group, project, study name in the tree view of the experiment browser.
  • Fix: [Dashboard] – Files uploaded to the Dashboard are sorted on date again where the latest uploaded file is listed first.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – A duplicate dialog was triggered in the Sample Batch Update function.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue that caused that sorting of samples in the Search List results was not working.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – The sample expiration date was not displayed the table view of the Sample Archive.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Experiments could not be witness signed when the assigned witness is also the creator.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Changes in the border size property in ELN text sections no longer worked.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Several fixes when creating or editing DYMO label templates.
  • Fix: [Study] – A single quote is no longer duplicated When adding or editing the study name.
  • Fix: [Study] – Various minor fixes and improvements.



  • Feature: [System Admin] – Equipment can be imported by the system administrator.
  • Improvement: [SDK] – Adding bulk actions for samples from the sample actions menu is supported in the SDK.
  • Improvement: [System] – The onboarding wizard for new groups supports installing add-ons.
  • Improvement: [System] – Improved system support page with links to various resources such as API, SDK and downloads.
  • Improvement: [System] – Documentation updated to version 3.2.
  • Improvement: [Protocols] – Added cells/ml and U/ml as new units for protocol variables.
  • Fix: [System] – When accepting an invitation from a group that has 2-step verification active, users will now first be guided to setting up 2-step verification for their own account if not active yet.
  • Fix: [System Admin] – Solved issue when making an add-on available in the marketplace for specific users.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Copying of values for the project ID field in the Sample Batch Import add-on is now working correctly.
  • Fix: [Procedures] – The field width of formula fields in procedures is dynamically adjusted to display the full output.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes, improvements, and styling adjustments.


  • Feature: [File Storage] – Searching for files in the File Storage is now supported.
  • Improvement: [API] – New API endpoints for the File Storage.
  • Improvement: [API] – New API endpoint to create Projects.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Witness Sign request is now added to the Experiment log.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Special characters where not correctly formatted in the generated Equipment export file.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved an Inventory Browser tree scrolling issue when moving a compartment to a different location using drag and drop.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Line breaks in a long text field where not correctly handled when updated in batch with the Sample Batch Update add-on.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – A Sample Type could not archived in certain cases.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes, improvements, and styling adjustments.



  • Feature: [ELN] – New add-on: External File Link – This add-on allows the linking of files in the ELN File sections to files stored on a local computer or server.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Users can be set to blocked in a group when changing the user role in the system- and organization admin panel.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – The position of the tooltip in the navigation tree displaying the experiment name was improved, to support correct display on small screens and when opening experiment sections.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – The experiment section log now has a scrollbar to enable display of large section change logs.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Transparent group logos are now displayed with a white background.
  • Fix: [ELN] – The name of the user that last updated the experiment section was incorrectly displayed.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Several fixes in the Pending experiments list on the Dashboard including the sorting and correct listing of the latest experiments.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Numbering or bullets used in ELN text sections were not included in the experiment PDF export.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Sorting in the Experiment Browser on the signature status worked incorrectly.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample names with special characters where incorrectly displayed in the Sample Archive.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Labels printed with the & sign in the text box could not be printed.
  • Fix: [Supplies] – Back button in the Product Catalog did not return to the correct page.
  • Fix: [Supplies] – Paging did not work correctly in the Product Catalog.
  • Fix: [System] – Various minor fixes and improvements.


Version: 2.3.1

  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue preventing logging of sample meta information in some cases.


Version: 2.3.0

  • Feature: [System Admin] – System administrator can set a member in a project group as project group administrator.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – System admin can now also create a new user account without adding this user to a group.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Improved styling in the ELN to see more difference between a comment section and a regular text section.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Resolved issue in the autocompletion of a user or group when making an add-on only available of a specific user or group.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Resolved issue by preventing to the uploading of more than 5 images for an add-on.
  • Fix: [File Storage] – Improved sorting of folders in the File Storage.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Button to display the validation history for equipment was not displayed.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Updating a sample link field when restarting procedure did not close the dialog correctly.
  • Fix: [Project Group] – Removing a user from a project group did not work when clicking the remove icon.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample series with more digits than 2 could not be created correctly.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Reintroduced sorting in advanced search results table view.
  • Fix: [System Admin] – Deletion of a group license did not work correctly.
  • Fix: [API] – Various fixes in API.

Version: 2.2.3

  • Improvement: [System] – Support link in the V2.0 welcome notice refers to support page for Private Cloud and On-Premises installations.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Changing the scope to system add-on for certains add-ons was not working correctly.
  • Fix: [System] – Various security patches in the API and applications.

Version: 2.2.2

  • Fix: [ELN] – Back button in ELN did not function correctly.


Version: 2.2.1

  • Fix: [Procedures] – Paging in the table listing procedures was not working correctly.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Solved issue that blocked the addition and editing of tables in ELN text sections.


Version: 2.2.0

  • Feature: [ELN] – Reintroduced tagging of collaborators in experiment comments.
  • Improvement: [System] – Corrected the display and improved performance for the paging element for tables of experiments, samples, procedures, projects, studies, and product catalog.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – The action to remove a user from as group now includes a check if the group still has an administrator.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Archived samples now display the sample expiration date.
  • Improvement: [Equipment] – Improved the styling of the equipment PDF export.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – The sample field information tooltip no longer falls off on small screens.
  • Improvement: [ELN] – Sections without comments now show a notice message in the comment history of signed experiments.
  • Improvement: [Add-on] – The sorting of samples in the Sample Batch Update add-on has been improved.
  • Improvement: [System] – Harmonized the move icon for Experiment, Procedures and Sample type sections.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Performance improvement to list the add-on configuration in the Marketplace.
  • Improvement: [System] – Various minor improvements in the user interface.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Updating equipment reservation for a different user was incorrectly saved.
  • Fix: [Equipment] – Updating the description for an equipment reservation was not stored correctly in Firefox.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Restoring samples from the archive now also recovers the sample expiration date.
  • Fix: [Procedures] – Improved the position of dialog when editing variable fields procedures.
  • Fix: [Supplies] – Order status in bulk now works as expected.
  • Fix: [Projects] – Fixed the filtering for active and inactive projects in the project list.
  • Fix: [File Storage] – Renaming a folder was not working correctly in certain cases.


Version: 2.1.0

  • Feature: [System] – Group logo is now included in the header of PDF exports of samples, experiments and procedures.
  • Feature: [Marketplace] – System admin can install a specific add-on version for all users or groups.
  • Improvement: [System] – Various improvements in the new user interface.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Experiment template section order was incorrectly set when moving a section to the location where a section was just deleted.
  • Fix: [System] – Generating API token when AD is active is now working correctly again.

Version 2 – New user interface for eLabJournal, eLabInventory and eLabProtocols

In this version, we introduced a brand-new user interface for all our software products, including eLabJournal, eLabInventory, and eLabProtocols. Besides a great new look and feel, we added several dozens of minor improvements to enhance the usability, as as a new, condensed header yet more functional header, a responsive interface, and more seamless integration of the Marketplace.

Version: 1.96

  • Tagging collaborators

Collaborating on an experiment and want to notify a colleague? This release adds a great new feature to eLabJournal, which allows you to tag collaborators in a comment. Start your comment, or use @ in a comment to select and mention one of your colleagues in this experiment.

Your colleague automatically receives a notification in their account and mobile app

  • Improvement: [ELN] – Experiment Browser now supports searching by ID of an Experiment or Study.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample Batch Import and Edit add-ons support importing and updating of quantity.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Sample Batch Import supports setting the sample parent based on sample ID when pasted from Excel.
  • Improvement: [Inventory] – Support printing sample quantity and expiration date with the ZPL printing add-on.
  • Improvement: [Supplies] – Support for all currencies in the product catalog.
  • Fix: [ELN] – Restarting a procedure now loads the correct default values when the same procedure is used twice in the same experiment.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Opening links to samples of archived samples now supported.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Solved issue that caused the Sample Batch import button to not be displayed intermittently.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Compartment numbering was incorrect in certain cases when adding multiple compartments.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Sample Parent can now also be set for samples without location.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Log date for Samples is now displayed according to the user date and time setting.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Log date for Equipment log is now displayed according to the user time zone setting.
  • Fix: [File Storage] – Date displayed in the File Storage is now displayed according to the user date and time setting.
  • Fix: [Procedures] – Creating a draft procedure of group shared procedure now correctly checks if a draft version already exists.
  • Fix: [Project Groups] – Added check to avoid sending invites to the same user in a Project Group multiple times.
  • Fix: [System Admin] – Several fixes for managing add-ons including searching and paging.
  • Fix: [System Admin] – Reloading metadata in the SAML SSO no longer affects the setting to allow the creation of accounts for new users.
  • Fix: [System] – Quotes in the email address are now properly handled.
  • Fix: [SDK] – Add-on custom feature buttons are no longer displayed multiple times in certain cases.

Version: 1.95

Marketplace extends eLabJournal with free add-ons

Modern electronic lab notebook systems, like eLabJournal, must be simple, intuitive, and easy to use. Given the great diversity in life science research, including all workflows and software applications used, the number of features in eLabJournal would grow exponentially to support the workflows of all labs in the best possible way. As a result, the software will become less intuitive and less user-friendly.

To avoid becoming a complex electronic lab notebook system, and at the same time, provide more flexibility to tailor the functionality of the ELN to the needs of every lab, eLabJournal now includes a Marketplace. The eLab Marketplace is a digital catalog with a collection of software add-ons that extend the functionality of eLabJournal that has been launched in this version.

  • Feature: [System Admin] – New system setting to enforce approval of add-ons prior to installation for add-ons that have been fetched from public repositories.
  • Feature: [System Admin] – New system setting to set automatic retrieval of new and add-on updates from public add-on repositories.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Improved flow for editing add-ons installed in the system.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Add-on assets and installation scope are now automatically set when manually installing an add-on update in the system.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Add-on versions are now grouped in the list system installed add-ons.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – The “Apps and Connections” of DYMO, ZPL, and Mendeley have been migrated to the marketplace as user add-ons.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Add-ons now display a product compatibiltiy labels for eLabInventory and eLabJournal.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Various visual improvements when loading and installing add-ons in the marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved display of add-ons with eLabConnect support and when the add-on configuration has been set.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved display of the private add-on and changed logic to only display this for add-ons to which access is restricted.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Added notice and check when deleting add-ons as a system admin.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Various minor improvements in the marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved add-on configuration dialog to visualize complex configurations correctly.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Fix display / styling issues of the add-on configuration in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Various minor fixes in the marketplace.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Fixed issue that prevented the correct upgrading of the add-on in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Improved notice when a user does not have permission to uninstall add-ons.
  • Fix: [Permissions] – Add-on permissions were not displayed in eLabInventory and eLabProtocols.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Linked samples are now correctly displayed when included in the custom table view for a sample series.


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