1 min read 24 Jun 2021

Our lab has established a biobank for over 40 subtypes of sarcoma.  We needed a better way to track our biospecimen inventory.  eLab allowed us to store clinical information on the same platform where the biospecimen inventory was logged. We used to use separate Excel spreadsheets to track inventory and clinical information, which was tedious and time-consuming.  eLabNext has provided a secure platform that is able to grow and adapt to our ever-evolving biobank.

Tanya Heim, Clinical Research Coordinator

Read University of Pittsburgh Case study ->

university of pittsburg

Company: University of Pittsburgh

Background: The University of Pittsburgh is a state-related research university founded as the Pittsburgh Academy in 1787. Pitt is a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), which comprises 63 preeminent doctorate-granting research institutions in North America.

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