1 min read 24 Jun 2021

eLabJournal is the cornerstone of our documentation processes. We use it to document experiments and protocols, manage biological samples, organize our -80 freezer, print labels, and even order consumables – essentially using all of the features it offers. Clean documentation is the basis for reproducible research and progress in commercial R&D.

Lorenzo Corsini, CEO, Research and Development

Read PhagoMed Case study ->


Company: PhagoMed

Background: PhagoMed company is the brainchild of three very different individuals, who share a common belief: Phage-based drugs are humanities best bet for developing the next generation of anti-bacterials. After working with both engineered phages and synthetic lysins, the company focused on its synthetic lysin platform, the LysinBuilder in 2020. Burkhard is an orthopedic surgeon, who started bringing phage therapy to German patients with pan-resistant infections more than two decades ago. Alexander spent more than a decade as a business leader in the pharmaceutical industry and has a deep fascination for the gap between the role of phages in nature and their lack of medical uses. Lorenzo is a Molecular Biologist with a passion for exploring the impossible and developing reliable phage-based drugs that can change patients’ lives. Together they formed PhagoMed to develop phage-based drugs that work where antibiotics fail and protect the beneficial bacteria. From the start of the initial lab work in May 2018, the company has grown rapidly to encompass various phage-based technologies and drug programs. In 2020 they decided to focus on synthetic lysins as the technology for all future development programs.

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