Case Studies Industry

eLabJournal helps FOx Biosystems more accurately and efficiently manage all generated lab and research data

2 min read 02 Mar 2021

Thanks to eLabJournal, FOx Biosystems is able to accurately and efficiently manage all generated laboratory research data. The user-friendly and straightforward Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) software enables us to centralize orders, collect and track sample information, make reservations for our devices and generate protocols. Implementation of eLabJournal within FOx Biosystems went very fluently, since everything is accessible with only a few clicks. We can strongly recommend the use of eLabJournal to other companies and academic institutions, since they will benefit from all its advantages.

Anne Houbrechts, Research Manager

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FOx Biosystems

FOx Biosystems

FOx Biosystems was founded in 2017 as a spin-off from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, abbreviated KU Leuven (Belgium).

We aim to revolutionize life sciences research and production using its real-time, label-free analysis technology. The FOx technology is based on an innovative, fibre-optic-based surface plasmon resonance biosensor. It enables users to generate high-quality biomolecular data such as affinity, kinetic, and concentration measurements. FOx biosensor technology offers several benefits compared to existing biomolecular analysis tools, including improved ease of use, higher speed, broader applicability, and superior cost-effectiveness. FOx Biosystems sells instruments, reagents, and services to improve biomolecular interaction analysis in life science research and industry.


With its real-time, label-free analysis technology, FOx Biosystems aims to establish a highly competitive platform for business growth in the life sciences research and manufacturing markets.


To establish an electronic lab notebook system shared by all employees

We were looking for an easy way to document activities and results in the R&D and production labs. It needed to be simple, easy, accessible to all employees at all times, and able to share results with everyone.


Enabled accurate and efficient management of all generated research data

FOx Biosystems utilizes many features of eLabJournal. In particular, we use the Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) software to accurately and efficiently manage our laboratory research data. All our samples and products are linked in the inventory browser and kept up-to-date, and we use the calendar for making reservations for all our equipment. Moreover, the ELN is used to centralize our supply orders, manage the protocols, and document all our experiments. Conveniently, the input of all colleagues can be centralized and viewed by the entire group.


Clear subdivision of all projects, studies, and experiments, allowing supervisors to review the completed experiments

All employees of FOx Biosystems use eLABJournal. The complete stock of our lab is centralized in the product catalogue, in which everyone can easily indicate which products need to be ordered. Our laboratory technicians gather and manage all their experiments in a structured way by using precise subdivisions between projects, studies, and experiments. Their superiors can check and sign off on experiments after review. With the device reservation tool, the scientists also use eLabJournal to make efficient schedules. All protocols are combined in the ‘group procedure’ tab, and the managers can follow up on changes made and adjust protocols whenever necessary. Our laboratory stock is also maintained via the inventory tab, where we indicate LOT numbers, expiry and opening dates, and so on, for traceability purposes

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