1 min read 24 Jun 2021

eLabJournal has greatly facilitated our work and the close following up and easy back-and-forward of long-term experiments and the storage, in a very versatile way, of all the information that is required for the setup of highly reproducible protocols. It also has allowed us to link and maximise our resources because of the inventory function, so no more waste of time locating samples! It also permits very easy to link all type of data associated to an experiment/study either alone or in collaborations in a single hot spot. This has been working wonderful and it has been a great investment for a newly set up laboratory as is ours.

Dr. Guillermo Gomez and Dr. Mariana Oksdath Mansilla, Tissue Architecture and Organ Function Laboratory

centre for cancer biology

Company: Centre for Cancer Biology

Background: The CCB is a Medical Research Institute which carries out a world-class program of innovative research, making breakthrough discoveries in the fundamental causes of cancer, and translating these discoveries into new ways to prevent and treat this group of diseases. The CCB is an alliance between SA Pathology and the University of South Australia and boasts the largest concentration of cancer research in South Australia, currently hosting 22 full-time research group leaders and their teams.

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